Art Curatorship

Descriptions of Hearing 《聽覺摹寫》


Curated by Linda LAI and LIAO Chien-chiao / 策展人:黎肖嫻、廖芊喬

Feb 11-Mar 25, 2012 // Digital Art Center, Taipei 台北數位藝術中心

Curatorial Statement:

Sound and/or/as image forms our consciousness, according to Deleuze’s concept of ‘time image’ and ‘movement image’, opening up what is potential and what is virtual. Following the play of synesthesia, the works in this exhibition invite us to describe our world differently – to listen by looking differently, to see by stretching our aural senses. (Linda C.H. LAI)



CURATORIAL DIRECTIONS ON YOUTUBE (DAC audio-visual session) [Lai: view...] [Liao: view...] / CURATORS' INTRODUCTION AT EXHIBITION'S OPENING [view...]

The main concept of Descriptions of Hearing is to go beyond pure imitation or reproduction of hearing. The artist needs to reconsider his auditory perception, expand his scope of perception through words, imagery and behavior, and engage in the creation of a 'pure' sound art. (LIAO Chien-chiao)



Opening performance: Samson Young

Artist's talk at opening 羅海德 藝術家交流講座: Hector Rodriguez [view the talk...]



Official Sites: (DAC, Taipei)tp:// Art Center Taipei

Press Coverage:

《聽覺摹寫 匯集港台西義創作》/中央社鄭景雯/2012-02-13 11:20 AM/TAIWAN NEWS ON-LINE [...]

《"聽覺摹寫"帶動聽覺感知的擴張》/鳳凰網記者陳慧如/2012/2/11 下午 10:40:05 [...]

《台北數位藝術中心《聽覺摹寫》》/台灣立報 /2012-2-14 19:23 [...]

《用文字表現聲音 《聽覺摹寫》新體驗》/台灣醒報記者何怡君台北報導/2012-02-13 AWAKENING NEWS NETWORK [...]

《聽覺摹寫 港台合作策展》/旺報記者吳靖雯台北報導/2012-02-13 01:38 CHINA TIMES NEWS NETWORK [...]

Documentation at Opening Ceremony 2012.02.11 (DAC, Taipei): [view...]

Art Review:

《短評台北數位藝術中心展覽〈聽覺摹寫〉》,全球藝評 Art Critic / 吳毓庭 發表於 2012.02.29, Taipei / [view full review...]

Interviews with Individual Artists:

Marco DE MUTIIS [view...]

Samson YOUNG 楊嘉輝 [view...]

Linda LAI 黎肖嫻 [view...]

CHIANG Chien-hsin 江薦新 [view...]

WANG Yu-jun, CHEN Jia-hui 王榆鈞.陳佳慧 [view... ]


[Un-]Stuck (2011, Marco DeMutiis)