Features on Media Art and Culture.
Art/Editorials for Catalogs & Proceedings
  1. "Must We Only Contemplate? The Political Ideals of the Writing Machine Collective 2nd Edition" (co-written with Janice Leung)
    For 1a space Newsletter (April 2007) on the "Writing Machine Collectives 2nd edition"
  2. 〈是序言也是總結∶如何去接觸叢生的地下根莖?〉
    "Prologue for Epilogue: entrapment, or rhizomes in the process of making"
    For Re-fabrication (a research-based retrospective on local veteran artist Choi Yan-chi's art practices 1975-2005, as part of the "Hong Kong Artists of the 1980s" series) Nov-Dec, 2006 / Hong Kong
  3. “Generative Experiences: art-making as procedures and classification”
    For Take a ST/Roll 《圓.遊.會》(a reserach-based project on anamorphic imaging) Mar-Apr, 2005 / Hong Kong
  4. "Between 'I' and 'You': An Architextual Construction of Li Wo’s Broadcast Drama as Film Adaptation" ,in The Hong Kong-Guangdong Film Connection, ed. Wong Ainling (Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Film Archive, 2005), pp. 184-201.「李我 /你、我:故事體外裏縱橫的眾聲喧鬧」,《粵港電影因 粵港電影因 粵港電影因 緣》, 黃愛玲編,香港電影資料館, 2005 。
  5. "Retrieving an Old Thesis: Gazing at the Screen"
    3rdtxt ("Third Text: Image + Media 03") (an international experimental media art festivall) May-Jun, 2003 / Hong Kong
  6. 《加利希爾談錄影•電影•藝術》,〈明報〉,2001年2月13日,C10。[Linda Lai, “Gary Hill on video, film and art”; Ming Pao, 13 Feb 2001, C10]
  7. Two film reviews for “MAX! 2000” (3rd Cross-cultural Seminar on International Film Criticism” (5 November 2000) by Linda Lai: “Brighter Than the Moon” (2000, Austria); “ID Swiss” (2000, Switzerland).
  8. 《關錦鵬走出衣櫃之後:談〈男生女相〉》,〈電影欣賞〉88期,1997年7、8月,臺北,55-60頁。[Linda Lai: “An Interview with Stanley Kwan on Yang and Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema” in Film Appreciation Journal, no. 88, July-August 1997, Taipei. 55-60]
  9. 《中年基佬的愛:舒琪談〈基佬四十〉》,〈電影欣賞〉88期,1997年7、8月,臺北,61-65頁。[Linda Lai: “A Queer Story: an Interview with Shu Kei” in Film Appreciation Journal, no. 88, July-August 1997, Taipei. 61-65]
  10. “An Interview with director, Cha Chuen Yee, on Once Upon a Time in Triad Society 2” in Hong Kong Panorama 96-97; the 21 Hong Kong International Film Festival; HK: Urban Council, 1997. 18-19. (English translation by Judy Au.