Academic Writing.
Refereed & Published
  1. "Contemporary 'Women's Art in Hong Kong' Reframed: Performative Research on the Potentialities of Women Art Makers. Positions 28:1, 2020: 237-274. [READ]
  2. "Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time. Art-Science Dialogues and a Techno-saga," in Section "Travel and Mobility," Transfers v9n2, summer 2019L 112-118. [READ]
  3. "From Stake-holders to (Re-)Grounders: a philosophical re-grounding of the role
    of artists and the arts for 21st century Hong Kong
    ," Art Reader 1, edited by Stella Tang, Hong Kong, 2019: 127-156. [READ]
  4. 〈在「人類紀」以活動影像為據點重整「辯證結構」〉/ 黎肖嫻 / 《新美術》2017年2月第38期,中國美術學院學報,中國杭州。核心期刊 CSSCI / CN:33-1068/J “Moving Image as a tactical location to restore ‘dialectical structures’ in the Anthropocene,” in special issue on the Anthropocene, Journal of the National Academy of Art(Core Journals CSSCI / CN: 33-1068/J) no. 38, Feb 2017, 118-131, the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China.
  5. Documenting Sentiments in Video Diaries around 1997: archeology of forgotten screen practices” - a book chapter in A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema, edited by Gina Marchetti, Esther Yau, and Esther Cheung, Wiley-Blackwell. 2015.08. 462-488.
  6. Video Art in Hong Kong: Organologic Sketches for a Dispersive History” in Hong Kong Visual Art Yearbook 2014; Chinese University of Hong Kong (Fine Arts Department), funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 2015.07. 14-93.
  7. “Attempting a history of (new) media arts for Hong Kong: archaeology, literacy and education for artists,” (Chinese University Press, 2008).
    〈为香港(新)媒体艺术构筑初步得的历史:考古、公众的认知、艺术家的教育 〉, 香港中文大学出版社,2008年。

  8. “Whither the Walker Goes: Spatial Practices and Negative Poetics in Chinese Urban Cinema in the Late 1990s” (Duke University Press, 2007)
  9. "Multi-media, Inter-media"
    (Lingnan U, 2006)
  10. "Surveying the network of connectivity evolving from the reception of popular TV drama series True Love: a study of three local housewives' mobilization of their cultural capital"
    〈從長篇電視劇《真情》出發的日常生活網路探究:三個本地主婦的"文化資本"應用〉(HKU, 2003)
  11. "Film and Enigmatization: Nostalgia, Nonsense, and Remembering" (2001)
  12. "HK Cinema in the 1093s: Docility, Social Hygiene, Pleasure-seeking & the Consolidation of the Film Industry" (2000)